Sunday, September 23, 2007

Hunger in Black Boy

We've been talking about a few themes in Black Boy. I am really interested in the subject of Hunger throughout the book. The defintion I came up with is not satisfied or wanting more. Richard is hungry in a physical sense but also really hungry for knowledge. He is wanting to broaden his horizons and I feel a sense of his determination to better his life.

* "I studied night and day and within two weeks I was promoted to the sixth grade... I told the family emphatically that I was going to study medicine, engage in research, make discoveries. Flushed with success, I had not given a second's thought to how I would pay my way through medical school. But since I had leaped a grade in two weeks, anything seemed possible, simple, easy" (pg. 125).

This paragraph shows how much Richard wants to change his life. I am inspired by the fact that he is so excited about learning and thinking about all the opportunity availiable through school. He is taking a different path than he knows through family expierence. I am pushing for Richard to reach his goals and become something that no one thought he ever would.

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