Sunday, October 21, 2007

losing trust

As I earlier predicted, Jeannette starts to lose trust in her dad as The Glass Castle continues. He is the town drunk wherever they move, and his empty promises are starting to lose meaning for Jeannette.
"Why do I always have to get Dad?" I asked (Pg.181).
Jeannette is sick of taking responsibility for the father she once believed in, but never comes through.
"'I don't blame Dad,' I said. And i didn't. But Dad seemed hell-bent on destroying himself, and I was afriad he was going to pull us all down with him" (pg.188).
Previously, she would always stick up for her dad and would do anything for him. I thought it was about time she figure out hes not worth the wait, and she is definately moving on.
"Mom never told Dad that I'd urged her to leave him. That summer he still thought of me as his biggest supporter, and given that there was so little competition for the job, I probably was (pg.189).
I really hope that Jeannette's dad steps up for his family, but I highly doubt he will. Jeannette is finally starting to realize this and is at the point in her life where she wants her family to be better off. I believe shes the one who'll come through over her drunken dad.

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