Sunday, October 21, 2007

Prediction For The End.

I have about 50 pages left in my book. I have no idea what is going to happen, but I'm going to take a shot in the dark. The Glass Castle has so far been set in only Jeannette's childhood. It started as her at about age 3, and she is now 13 years old. With age, she is realizing that her life is not easy, and that her parents aren't really doing all that they could. I believe that the end of the story is going to pace a bit faster, and Jeannette will grow up and move out. I think she's going to ditch her family for the most part, and pursue dreams of becoming a writer, a vet, anything to get out of her current situation.
"I was studying hard because I wanted to become either a veterinarian or a geologist specializing in the Miocene period, when the mountains out west were formed. I was telling him how geodes were created from bubbles of lava when he interrupted me. 'For the daughter of the town drunk, you sure got big plans,' he said (pg.183)."
I think her parents are going to be stuck in their ways, not wanting help from Jeannette. I feel her siblings Lori and Brian will also get away. I can tell Jeannette wants something better for herself, and shes going to go out and get it. Maybe she will get married... but I know the book will finish with her in a better position.

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