Thursday, January 10, 2008

Life of Pi... The end!

Eventually, Pi drifts to the shores of Mexico. Richard Parker disappears immediately after they land, and Piscine is heart-broken that a proper goodbye did not happen. "I was certain he would turn my way. He would look at me... He did nothing of the sort. He only looked fixedly into the jungle. Then Richard Parker, companion of my torment, awful, fierce thing that kept me alive, moved forward and disappeared forever from my life" (Martel 284). He is quickly taken to a hospital nearby. Some men from Japan come to interview Pi about the sinking of the Tsimtsum, and he tells them his whole story. They don’t believe what they have been told, and can still come to no conclusion about why their cargo ship sank. He tells them another story, though false, hoping it will give them what they want. Unfortunately, it doesn’t help either. They leave, and a story is published based on the interview they has with Pi. "As an aside story of sole survivor, Mr. Piscine Molitor Patel, Indian citizen, is an astounding story of courage and endurance in the face of difficult and tragic circumstances... Very few castaways can claim to have survived so long at sea as Mr. Patel, and none in the company of an adult Bengal tiger" (Martel 319).

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Gossip Girl Gets Intense

I am obsessed with the Show Gossip Girls! The Plot is starting to get thick, and I enjoyed last week's episode. I was surprised when Serena admitted to starting the school pool party in order to save Dan from possible expulsion. He quote "Dan is the most important thing in my life right now" was my favorite of the episode. They are so cute together. I also thought it was sweet what Nate did for Blair. He falsely turned himself in as the party planner because he thought Blair was the one in trouble. I hope they get back together. I was disappointed that Lily and Rufus had to cut the relationship short that they had started. I understand that it would be terrible for Serena and Dan, but I could tell they were really in love. So much Drama is what makes the show worth watching. The New York City setting is nice for a change as well instead of the typical southern California scene. The CW network claims that next weeks episode will be the best yet, and I can't wait to watch. Tune in to the CW network at 8:00 on Wednesday night if you're interested.

Much Ado About Nothing Chaos

The stupid policeman in Much Ado About Nothing is really bothersome in my opinion. I mean how hard is it to deliver a message to someone? He totally screwed things up for Claudio and Hero. If he would have conveyed the message and done his job, don john's evil plan would have been spoiled, and Borachio's show proven as a scheme. I feel bad for Hero over anyone as she is going to be disgraced by Claudio without even knowing what she did wrong. It is obvious that the two are madly in love, and the stupid policeman Dogberry had to mess up on his part. I don't really know what's going to happen to Don John and his crew in the end but I hope he is harshly punished. I am excited to read the ending of the book.

Pi and His Relations With Richard Parker

In case it has not been made fully clear, Richard Parker is a Bengal tiger that is aboard the lifeboat with Pi. He was one of the animals that resided in Mr. Patel's zoo back in Pondicherry, but is now the only company that Pi has. Pi decides that he wants to keep the tiger alive, and it is the best thing for him to do. Though it is by no means easy to live with a tiger, Pi might go insane with no other life form to keep him company. It also keeps his mind busy and helps him avoid negative thoughts about losing his family and possibly never being rescued. Pi decides to train Richard with a whistle. He establishes his alpha-male position by training the tiger to stay in his small territory and blowing his whistle in hopes of making Richard fear it. But he does want to help Richard Parker say alive. He feeds him fish, cleans his excrement, and gives him fresh water which he learns to make with a special tool left in the lifeboat. Pi no longer fears of the 450 pound beast, but it is rather the opposite. I don't think either of them would be able to go on without each other. I Know that Richard Parker will be crucial to the ending and survival of Pi in the book.

Life of Pi continues

In his journey in the middle of the pacific ocean, Pi has changed his ways of dealing with life drastically. A major theme that has appeared in the book is as follows: Humans can adapt to any situation, and their actions are a direct result of their surroundings. Back in India, Pi was a vegetarian, and would cringe at even the sound of opening a banana because it sounded like an animal's bone crunching to him. Now, he is forced to become somewhat of a savage in order to survive the harsh living conditions of being in the middle of the pacific ocean, and in addition living with a Bengal tiger. Pi now fishes, and thoroughly enjoys tearing the fish apart limb by limb. He also catches turtles in order to pass the time. They have become his favorite meal and he makes sure to lick everything clean. Pi also tries to keep busy during the day in order to avoid thinking about his family. Life is though for him and i would not want to be in his boat-Literally and figuratively.