Sunday, January 6, 2008

Life of Pi continues

In his journey in the middle of the pacific ocean, Pi has changed his ways of dealing with life drastically. A major theme that has appeared in the book is as follows: Humans can adapt to any situation, and their actions are a direct result of their surroundings. Back in India, Pi was a vegetarian, and would cringe at even the sound of opening a banana because it sounded like an animal's bone crunching to him. Now, he is forced to become somewhat of a savage in order to survive the harsh living conditions of being in the middle of the pacific ocean, and in addition living with a Bengal tiger. Pi now fishes, and thoroughly enjoys tearing the fish apart limb by limb. He also catches turtles in order to pass the time. They have become his favorite meal and he makes sure to lick everything clean. Pi also tries to keep busy during the day in order to avoid thinking about his family. Life is though for him and i would not want to be in his boat-Literally and figuratively.

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