Thursday, January 10, 2008

Life of Pi... The end!

Eventually, Pi drifts to the shores of Mexico. Richard Parker disappears immediately after they land, and Piscine is heart-broken that a proper goodbye did not happen. "I was certain he would turn my way. He would look at me... He did nothing of the sort. He only looked fixedly into the jungle. Then Richard Parker, companion of my torment, awful, fierce thing that kept me alive, moved forward and disappeared forever from my life" (Martel 284). He is quickly taken to a hospital nearby. Some men from Japan come to interview Pi about the sinking of the Tsimtsum, and he tells them his whole story. They don’t believe what they have been told, and can still come to no conclusion about why their cargo ship sank. He tells them another story, though false, hoping it will give them what they want. Unfortunately, it doesn’t help either. They leave, and a story is published based on the interview they has with Pi. "As an aside story of sole survivor, Mr. Piscine Molitor Patel, Indian citizen, is an astounding story of courage and endurance in the face of difficult and tragic circumstances... Very few castaways can claim to have survived so long at sea as Mr. Patel, and none in the company of an adult Bengal tiger" (Martel 319).

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