Sunday, December 9, 2007

Into The Plot of Life of Pi.

Life of Pi is starting to get really exciting. Pi is aboard a boat called the Tsimtsum on his way to North America. All of the sudden, he wakes at a loud noise. He tries to wake his brother Ravi, but can't. He leaves the cabins and climbs to the main deck. He sees that the boat is tilted completely to one side and is making terrible noises. Pi begins to worry. Then, some Chinese crewmen put a life jacket on him and toss him over the side of the boat. He lands in a lifeboat on the side of the ship, but then a zebra jumps in after him and the lifeboat falls into the water. The ship in which his family are still on sinks, and then a Bengal tiger named Richard Parker boards the lifeboat. Scared, Pi jumps into the water. He figures this is not a good idea when he sees the sharks circle around him. Pi gets back into the lifeboat, but only sees the zebra and no tiger. The Zebra is injured with a broken leg. Then, a hyena appears, and Pi figures the tiger must have drowned because it couldn't live on the same boat as the hyena. Next, an Orangutan named Orange Juice floats up to the lifeboat and gets in. Pi saves the net in which she arrived. Pi realizes that his family is probably dead. He tries to make a barrier between himself and the other animals out of fear. Also, that night is horrifying for him because he doesn't know what could happen. Daylight comes, and the hyena eats the Zebra alive. Then, it eats the Orangutan. Pi is already in great fear when he notices Richard Parker under a bench. He then falls asleep. I am really starting to enjoy this book, and am excited to read more!

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