Sunday, December 16, 2007

Life of Pi... what happened this week!

Survival is a key word in the book Life of Pi. Pi is still living in a lifeboat in the middle of the ocean. He explains to us how the Bengal tiger got his name. He was a cub, captured in the rain forest with his mother, by a hunter. Information was sent about him to the Pondicherry zoo. The cub had been named thirsty, but it kept getting mixed up with the hunters name, which was Richard Parker. Mr. Patel finds it so funny, he keeps the tiger's name as Richard Parker. On the lifeboat, Pi gets really thirsty. He searched the boat, and finds some cans of water and various items to eat. He is happy for what he's found, but decides that Richard is a real threat to his life. He then makes a separate raft attached to the boat, in order to keep a distance from the tiger. The Tiger is getting hungry too, and kills the hyena for a snack. Pi later realizes that is raft might not be such a hot idea. Richard Parker can swim, and will kill Pi if he really gets hungry. Also, tigers can drink saline water. The only way Pi has the slightest chance of surviving is if he gets along with his animal pal. Then, Richard Parker lets out some sort of noise that Pi remembers as a sign that a tiger means no harm. He thinks it would be a good idea to try to train the thing, and makes a whip out of a whistle, and yells out loud to prove he is the alpha male. Richard hates the sound of the whistle, and lies down on the bottom of the boat. Could Pi's plan be working? I wonder if he will survive.

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