Sunday, March 16, 2008

Almost the end of ATPH.

I can't believe that Rawlins has gone home, and wonder if this is the last time he will appear in the novel. I was also surprised that Blevins was killed, and though I've hated him throughout the story, still feel somewhat bad. It is unbelievable that John Grady and Rawlins survived jail, as it is much harsher with much less supervision than I believe the jails in America are like. John Grady truly is in love with Alejandra, and I hope they end up together. Alfonsa, the aunt, is getting in the way of their relationship. Though she paid for him to get out of jail, she has forbidden him to ever see Alejandra again, or the other way around I guess. John Grady would do anything for that girl, and she is deeply in love with him too. I think it was smart of Alejandra to tell her father about her affair with John Grady on her own, but why would he disown her like that? It sounds to me like the relationship between Cole and Alejandra will have to come to an end, even though I wish it didn't. I am exited to read the rest, and really have no clue how the book will end.

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