Sunday, March 9, 2008

Mattie Gokey

Mattie Gokey, from A Northern Light, is a very interesting protagonist. She is very determined, as she has stayed in school much longer than the average kid. She has also worked hard to receive a full scholarship at Colombia University. Responsible is another word I would use to describe Mattie. She has become the head of the household next to her dad as her brother left, and her mother died. She does everything around the house from making dinner, looking after her sisters, being a farm hand, and doing the grocery shopping. She is determined, but also realistic. She realizes that the chances of her going to college are slim to none. Her father needs her help around the house, and she is the only one capable of providing that assistance. I truly hope Mattie is able to pursue her biggest hopes and dreams of attending Columbia University. She deserves it over anyone, and needs a degree to truly make something of herself.

1 comment:

Little Willow said...

A Northern Light is a great book. We're spotlighting it in January at readergirlz - We're chatting with the author, Jennifer Donnelly, and other readers. Hope you'll join us!